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3D printed human kidney models

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Models for veterinary surgical planning

3D printing dog and cat anatomy provides patient specific anatomical models for surgical planning. Planning prior to surgery reduces time under anesthesia, provides help with plate fitting and different surgical approaches can be tested. A physical model also provides an invaluable way to communicate with clients.



Example of Veterinary 3D Printing (Chondrosarcoma of dog jaw)

Step 1. Obtain medical study

CT scan of dog jaw.

CT scan of dog jaw.

Step 2. 3D print the mandible

3D printed dog mandible for surgical planning

3D printed dog mandible for surgical planning.

Step 3. Surgical planning with 3D printed dog mandible

3D printed dog mandible with plate fitted in preparation of surgery

3D printed dog mandible with plate fitted in preparation of surgery to remove chondrosarcoma.



Medical 3D Printing Expertise

The entire design and printing process is led by a board-certified interventional radiologist and 3D printing expert. Dr. Michael Itagaki, MD, MBA has used 3D printed models to aid in complex surgery and has published peer reviewed articles on the topic. He is a frequent speaker on medical 3D printing at numerous conferences.

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