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Upper and Lower Leg Extension Model




Description: The upper and lower leg extension model contains all the major arterial structures of the left leg from the hip to the level of the ankle. When connected to the extendable abdominal aorta model (Model # AABD02000C) or the AAA EVAR model (Model #AAAA01000C), complete arterial anatomy from the diaphragm to the ankles can be simulated. An SFA stenosis is incorporated in the model to allow stent placement. Detailed tibial arteries are included which can be catheterized. The model is ideal for demonstrating lower extremity arterial interventions.














Procedures that this model can teach or practice:

  • Superficial femoral artery stenting
    • Catheter atherectomy
    • Superficial femoral artery
  • Tibial arteries
  • Balloon angioplasty (low-pressure)
  • Lower extremity angiography




For questions and pricing contact us. Please include the model name and number with your inquiry: Upper and Lower Leg Extension Model (#AALE01000C)


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