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How to Create a Blog on Embodi3D




About Blogs on Embodi3D
Select members of the Embodi3D community may be given the ability to create a blog and publish blog articles on the Embodi3D website. Blogging for new member is turned off by default as a spam reduction measure. Longtime members who have reliably contributed to the Embodi3D community through discussions in the forums, comments, or file sharing can ask to have blogging enabled on their accounts. Blog articles are featured on the Embodi3D.com homepage and are promoted using the Embodi3D social media accounts (Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, etc) and may provide significant exposure for the blogger.


Please DO:
1) Share your biomedical 3D printing work
2) Share you insights on current biomedical 3D printing topics and news
3) Help others with tutorials and shared 3D printable files


Please DON'T:
1) Post spam
2) Use the blog to promote outside commercial interests
3) Post hateful or disrespectful content, or use bad language.


To request blogging on your account, send a message to embodi3d via the Messenger in the top navigation bar.
Step 1: Start Creating your Blog
Once blogging is enabled on your account, you can create a blog. From the Blogs tab, click on the Manage Blogs button.


Step 1 Manage blogs 2


Step 2: From the Manage Blogs page, click "Create a Blog" Button


Step 2 Create A blog


Step 3: Agree to the terms for having a blog
Basically this just says you won't use your blog for evil purposes.

Step 3 Accept terms


Step 4: Configure the basics of your blog
Enter your blog name and description. Under Blog type, select "Local Blog." Embodi3D does not support external blogs.

Step 4 Blog title


Step 5: Set up the detailed parameters of your blog.
The default settings are fine more most people. Click "Save" when you are done

Step 5 Final parameters And save


Step 6: Create your first blog post
There are two ways you can create a blog entry.
Method 1: From the Manage Blogs page clicking on Options and select Post New Entry, as shown below.

Step 6 Post entry

Method 2: From the Blogs section, click on the Add Entry button.


Step 6 Post entry 2



Once you have started writing a post you will need to know how to create links, add images and add Youtube videos.


Instructions for Creating Links
To get a link, first, using your cursor highlight the text within the article, then in the editor tool bar click the chain icon with a + on it. This will then prompt you for the web page link. In the URL field enter the web site address. For example, http://yahoo.com. then click OK.


Working with images
Each article needs an entry image. Entry Image is located above the editor tool bar where it says "Entry Image". Click Browse... and then find the image on your local computer.


For other images you will need to do a 2 step process.
1) First you will need to click on "Create New Gallery Album" which is located just under "Entry Image" . In this album put the images you want to include in the article.
2) Then when you get to a place in the article where you need an image click on "My Media" in the editor. Then select Gallery Images and select the previously uploaded images you put in this gallery.


Inserting Youtube Videos
The blogging editor only supports Youtube videos. To get a video to show and play within the blog post it requires just a link. When you find a video you like on Youtube click on Share instead of Embed. The Youtube link will look something like this: 'https://youtu.be/c3LgY0W5QSo


Copy the Youtube link and then paste it into your blog post here on emobodi3d.com. It usually works best if there is one line space above and one line space below the Youtube link. If the link is pasted with text surrounding it the link may not be recognized as a video.


That's it! Congratulations and welcome as an Embodi3D blogger!


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