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3D printed human kidney models

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Models based on actual patient medical scans

Individual patients can have highly variable anatomy, which can make designing a single device that works well in everybody extremely challenging. Stock anatomic models show you an artist's interpretation of anatomy, which may not accurately reflect reality.

Embodi3D creates customized and highly detailed 3D printed medical models from real patient medical scans. You are assured that the anatomy is realistic because it comes from a real patient. You can provide a scan or we can select one for you that meets your criteria.

You can print the model yourself or have us 3D print it for you.



Precisely tailored to test your device

How can you be sure your device will work in the largest number of people, each with unique anatomy?

Embodi3D creates sets of models, each from a patient with a different age and gender, to give you the most accurate picture of anatomic variability in your target patient population. Prior to model creation we perform a consultation to understand your needs in detail, so that the models are precisely tailored to test your device. An example of our work can be seen in the video.

3D Printed Human Anatomy Models

abdominal aortic aneurysm 3d printed medical model

Customized abdominal aortic aneurysm model for aortic endograft (stent-graft) testing and training.

Neurovascular catheter and stent device testing

Neurovascular catheter and stent testing in an embodi3D 3D printed model.

human splenic artery and spleen model designed for a medical device company

Highly-detailed and custom-painted splenic artery and spleen model designed for a medical device company.

Inferior vena caval (IVC) anatomical model

Inferior vena cava (IVC) filter deployment testing and training being performed in an embodi3D IVC Filter model




Medical 3D Printing Expertise

The entire design and printing process is led by a board-certified interventional radiologist and 3D printing expert. Dr. Michael Itagaki, MD, MBA has used 3D printed models to aid in complex surgery and has published peer reviewed articles on the topic. He is a frequent speaker on medical 3D printing at numerous conferences.

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