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  • Welcome to embodi3D Downloads! This is the largest and fastest growing library of 3D printable medical models generated from real medical scans on the Internet. A unique scientific resource, most of the material is free. Registered members can download, upload, and sell models. To convert your own medical scans to a 3D model, take a look at democratiz3D, our free and automated conversion service.

Spine and Pelvis

Files related to 3D printing spine models.

36 files

  1. Free

    Lumbar spine wedge compression fracture

    This anterior wedge compression fracture of a lumbar spine vertebral body was generated from real CT scan data and is thus anatomically accurate as it comes from a real person. It shows the loss of height in the anterior vertebral body when compared to the posterior part of the body. This type of fracture is common with forward flexion, such as a from a fall or motor vehicle accident.
    This file was originally created by Dr. Bruno Gobbato, who has graciously given permission to share it here on Embodi3D. Modifications were made by Dr. Mike to make it suitable for 3D printing.

    The file(s) are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license. It can't be used for commercial purposes. If you would like to use it for commercial purposes, please contact the authors.
    Technical specs:
    File format: STL
    Manifold mesh: Yes
    Minimum wall thickness: 1 mm
    Triangles: 642201


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  2. Free

    Cervical Spine

    Cervical Spine


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  3. Free

    Acetabulum from CT scan

    This anatomically accurate acetabulum was extracted from a DICOM CT dataset (0.5 mm slice thickness x 132 slices).
    The model may be useful for medical education. The file is in STL format and compressed with ZIP.
    Printed on a Makerbot Replicator 1.
    Thank you to Dr Mike for the excellent renders.
    Find us at www.healthphysics.com.au


       (0 reviews)



  4. Free

    C1 vertebra from CT scan

    This anatomically accurate C1 vertebra was extracted from a DICOM CT dataset (0.5 mm slice thickness x 47 slices).
    The model may be useful for medical education and shows shows the vertebral body, spinous process, facets, transverse processes and spinal canal. The file is in STL format and compressed with ZIP.
    Printed on a Makerbot Replicator 1.
    Thank you to Dr Mike for the excellent renders.
    Find us at www.healthphysics.com.au


       (0 reviews)



  5. Free

    Ischium from CT scan

    This anatomically accurate ischium was extracted from a CT DICOM dataset (1 mm slice thickness x 38 slices).
    The model may be useful for medical education and shows shows the ischial tuberosity. The file is in STL format and compressed with ZIP.
    Thank you to Dr Mike for the excellent renders.
    Find us at www.healthphysics.com.au


       (0 reviews)



  6. Free

    L3 vertebra from CT scan

    This anatomically accurate L3 vertebra was extracted from a DICOM CT dataset (0.5 mm slice thickness x 95 slices).
    The model may be useful for medical education and shows shows the vertebral body, spinous process, facets, transverse processes and spinal canal. The file is in STL format and compressed with ZIP.
    Printed on a Makerbot Replicator 1.
    Thank you to Dr Mike for the excellent renders.
    Find us at www.healthphysics.com.au


       (0 reviews)



  7. Free

    Ilium from CT scan

    This anatomically accurate ilium was extracted from a DICOM dataset (1 mm slice thickness x 90 slices).
    The model may be useful for medical education and shows shows the iliac crest nicely. The file is in STL format and compressed with ZIP.
    Thank you to Dr Mike for the excellent renders.
    Find us at www.healthphysics.com.au


       (0 reviews)



  8. Free

    Sacrum from CT scan

    This anatomically accurate sacrum was derived from a DICOM CT dataset (0.8 mm slice thickness x 138 slices).
    The model may be useful for medical education and shows the sacral foramina, dorsal and ventral surfaces, and articular surface with the L5 vertebra. The file is in STL format and compressed with ZIP.
    Thank you to Dr Mike for the excellent renders.
    Find us at www.healthphysics.com.au


       (0 reviews)



  9. Free

    Two lumbar vertebrae

    This is an STL file of two lumbar vertebrae from a CT scan. The STL file is raw and has not been edited to remove extraneous geometry. Since the CT scan it was taken from had IV contrast, the lumbar arteries are visualized and can be seen wrapping around the vertebral bodies.


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  10. Free

    3D Printer Ready Human Hyoid Bone

    3D Medical imaging data was obtained in the .stl format. The hyoid bone was localized from the .stl --sectioned off in the software -- and that part of the anatomy was revised using 3D modeling techniques to be highly adaptable to 3D printing platforms for potential regenerative medicine applications.
    Author and Licensing
    This hyoid bone re-topology was performed by Chris Leggett. It is free to use for research purposes, with modifications as needed, and any future clinical purposes with standard citation practices for using this material and under the creative commons attribution license.
    Additional citations
    (Public domain original material) =
    3DPX-000601 from NIH3D Print Exchange


       (1 review)

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  11. Free

    Lumbar Vertebra

    Anatomically accurate full-size human lumbar vertebra created from a real CT scan. File in Collada format.
    See the video here:

    Copyright 2013 Embodi3d


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