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  • Welcome to embodi3D Downloads! This is the largest and fastest growing library of 3D printable medical models generated from real medical scans on the Internet. A unique scientific resource, most of the material is free. Registered members can download, upload, and sell models. To convert your own medical scans to a 3D model, take a look at democratiz3D, our free and automated conversion service.

Extremity, Upper (Arm)

Upper extremity: shoulder, arm, forearm, hand

10 files

  1. Free


    my wrist

    1 download

       (0 reviews)



  2. Free

    Healed clavicle fracture, 3D printable model

    This 3D printable STL file of a healed clavicle (collarbone) fracture was generated from real CT scan data and is thus anatomically accurate as it comes from a real person. It shows the healed fracture and residual deformity clearly. Download is free for registered members.
    This file was originally created by Dr. Bruno Gobbato, who has graciously given permission to share it here on Embodi3D. Modifications were made by Dr. Mike to make it suitable for 3D printing.
    The file(s) are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license. It can't be used for commercial purposes. If you would like to use it for commercial purposes, please contact the authors.
    Technical specs:
    File format: STL
    Manifold mesh: Yes
    Minimum wall thickness: 1 mm
    Triangles: 287940


       (0 reviews)



  3. Free

    3D printable wrist

    This 3D printable STL file of the wrist was generated from real CT scan data and is thus anatomically accurate as it comes from a real person. It shows the individual wrist bones in detail. Download is free for registered members.
    This file was originally created by Dr. Bruno Gobbato, who has graciously given permission to share it here on Embodi3D. Modifications were made by Dr. Mike to make it suitable for 3D printing.
    The file(s) are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license. It can't be used for commercial purposes. If you would like to use it for commercial purposes, please contact the authors.
    Technical specs:
    File format: STL
    Manifold mesh: Yes
    Minimum wall thickness: 1 mm
    Triangles: 143418


       (0 reviews)



  4. Free

    Distal clavicle fracture

    This 3D printable STL file of a fracture of the distal clavicle was generated from real CT scan data and is thus anatomically accurate as it comes from a real person. It shows the comminuted distal fracture. Download is free for registered members.
    This file was originally created by Dr. Bruno Gobbato, who has graciously given permission to share it here on Embodi3D. Modifications were made by Dr. Mike to make it suitable for 3D printing.
    The file(s) are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license. It can't be used for commercial purposes. If you would like to use it for commercial purposes, please contact the authors.
    Technical specs:
    File format: STL
    Manifold mesh: Yes
    Minimum wall thickness: 1 mm
    Triangles: 272052


       (0 reviews)



  5. Free

    Elbow joint

    This elbow joint was generated from real CT scan data and is thus anatomically accurate as it comes from a real person. It shows the distal humerus, the olecranon as it sits in the olecranon fossa, the two humeral epicondyles, and the distal radius and radial head. There are full size and double size files available. The enlarged double size file shows anatomy in terrific detail.
    This file was originally created by Dr. Bruno Gobbato, who has graciously given permission to share it here on Embodi3D. Modifications were made by Dr. Mike to make it suitable for 3D printing.

    The file(s) are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license. It can't be used for commercial purposes. If you would like to use it for commercial purposes, please contact the authors.
    Technical specs:
    File format: STL
    Manifold mesh: Yes
    Minimum wall thickness: 1 mm
    Triangles: 57476


       (0 reviews)



  6. Free

    Shoulder joint

    This shoulder joint was generated from real CT scan data and is thus anatomically accurate as it comes from a real person. It shows the scapula, proximal humerus, the glenoid fossa, and detail anatomy of the glenohumeral (shoulder) joint. There are full size and double size files available. The enlarged double size file shows anatomy in terrific detail.
    This file was originally created by Dr. Bruno Gobbato, who has graciously given permission to share it here on Embodi3D. Modifications were made by Dr. Mike to make it suitable for 3D printing.
    The file(s) are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license. It can't be used for commercial purposes. If you would like to use it for commercial purposes, please contact the authors.
    Technical specs:
    File format: STL
    Manifold mesh: Yes
    Minimum wall thickness: 1 mm
    Triangles: 316648


       (0 reviews)



  7. Free


    This left humerus bone was generated from real CT scan data and is thus anatomically accurate as it comes from a real person. It shows the detailed contours of the humeral head and shaft. The olecranon of the ulna is shown within the olecranon fossa. The two epicondyles are present. The head of the radius has been removed to reveal anatomy of the elbow joint.
    This file was originally created by Dr. Bruno Gobbato, who has graciously given permission to share it here on Embodi3D. Modifications were made by Dr. Mike to make it suitable for 3D printing.
    The file(s) are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license. It can't be used for commercial purposes. If you would like to use it for commercial purposes, please contact the authors.
    Technical specs:
    File format: STL
    Manifold mesh: Yes
    Minimum wall thickness: 1 mm
    Triangles: 109512


       (0 reviews)



  8. Free

    Left Scapula and Humerus

    This shoulder and humerus was generated from real CT scan data and is thus anatomically accurate as it comes from a real person. It shows the left scapula, humerus, proximal radius and ulna bones, and the shoulder and elbow joints. The humerus has been joined to the scapula at the glenohumeral joint to form one solid piece.
    This file was originally created by Dr. Bruno Gobbato, who has graciously given permission to share it here on Embodi3D. Modifications were made by Dr. Mike to make it suitable for 3D printing.
    The file(s) are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license. It can't be used for commercial purposes. If you would like to use it for commercial purposes, please contact the authors.
    Technical specs:
    File format: STL
    Manifold mesh: Yes
    Minimum wall thickness: 1 mm
    Triangles: 125370


       (0 reviews)



  9. Free

    Arm - humerus

    Arm - humerus


       (0 reviews)



  10. Free


    This anatomically accurate scapula was derived from a model by Bror (http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:34004). The only change was to split the model into two pieces for easier printing.
    The model may be useful for medical education and shows the scapular surfaces, acromion and corocoid process. The file is in STL format and compressed with ZIP.
    Thank you to Dr Mike for the excellent renders.
    Printed on a Makerbot Replicator 1.
    Find us at www.healthphysics.com.au


       (0 reviews)



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    • Aenean imperdiet tristique urna sit amet mollis. Cras pellentesque urna id felis viverra lobortis. Phasellus blandit eleifend mauris eu pretium. Proin aliquet quam tortor, a commodo dui ullamcorper vitae. Maecenas at orci ultricies, pretium diam nec, sodales eros. Pellentesque nec hendrerit urna, in molestie diam. In molestie ultricies est in hendrerit. Mauris quis ultrices quam. Morbi vulputate convallis nulla non vulputate. Suspendisse vulputate dui eget suscipit commodo. Ut ut diam id sapien elementum aliquet nec ut augue. Maecenas ut mi aliquet, aliquam odio id, pulvinar tortor. Morbi purus metus, accumsan ut urna quis, rutrum lobortis odio. Pellentesque consequat congue felis. Vivamus sagittis, dolor eu dapibus scelerisque, diam justo sagittis augue, at posuere velit neque quis quam.
    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ipsum nunc, finibus eu ornare ac, congue sit amet leo. Duis a risus hendrerit, accumsan eros eget, accumsan ex. Duis cursus, nulla sit amet elementum mattis, magna nunc semper dolor, ac laoreet mi mauris tincidunt sem. Maecenas eleifend nisl quis accumsan varius. Suspendisse in nisi nisi. Nam blandit urna quis pellentesque dapibus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Maecenas laoreet efficitur nibh at pellentesque. Sed vestibulum tellus eros, vel consectetur lectus bibendum id. Maecenas vel dui id erat malesuada placerat vel in augue. Morbi in nibh vel lacus tincidunt luctus in id sapien. Aliquam consequat ligula nec fermentum scelerisque.
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