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How Can We Help You Share Your Files on Embodi3D.com?


Uploading and Sharing on embodi3d.com  

2 members have voted

  1. 1. What will help you upload and share files on embodi3d.com? Check all that apply.

    • A better understanding of my intellectual property rights when sharing a file.
    • I need to learn how to create an STL file from a medical image study.
    • I am not sure how to upload files to embodi3d.com.
    • I am concerned that someone else will download my file and sell it.
    • I need clarity on what file formats I can upload.
    • I have files available, however, my employer prohibits me from sharing them.

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At embodi3d.com we are always trying to help members share their enthusiasm for biomedical 3D printing. One of the best ways to share is by uploading files to the marketplace. We have stocked the marketplace full of files ready for 3D printing. However, there is an unlimited number of conditions which can be modeled. We can't think of all the possibilities.


This is where you come in. Many of our members have contributed files and this helps to enrich the experience for everyone. We want to help more members share. We have learned some members want to share but are uncertain about how to do so and many members have questions.


Therefore, we want to learn how we can help our members share their work.  Please vote, more than one choice can be selected in the poll.


Thanks for your help! We look forward to your feedback.

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The best value of this forum is high quality instruction and tutorials for proper 3D modeling, emphasizing freeware whenever possible. I would love to see more tutorials for various techniques relevant for different models and different use cases. Lumen wall thickness, for example, comes to mind discussed in another thread could be its own tutorial as it is a common procedure for different 3D medical models (not only vascular). Proper segmentation of a tracheal airway would be another great topic.

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