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Website Upgrade and Display Name Update


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The website has undergone a major upgrade. Member information, forum posts, gallery images, files and other site content was transferred. During the transfer of member information username and display were merged into display name. Therefore, what used to be username is now a member's display name.


We highly recommend you modify your account settings so you have the display name you prefer. To review and update your display name please follow these steps.


  1. Login to your embodi3d account
  2. Look up toward the upper right of the web page and you will see a downward arrow next to your name. Click here.
  3. Next, click on Account Settings. It's about half way down.
  4. Then you will see several choices under settings. Click Display Name and update this to what you want other members to see.


The new site has a more modern look with a user friendly design. Members will find the text editor used in blogging, forum posts and writing file descriptions, much easier to use. Images and videos are now easily included and sized correctly.


Other benefits will be realized as we roll out new services and features. Stayed tuned for future announcements.


If you have any comments or questions please use the contact us form. It's new and improved too!

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