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Dr. Mike

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  • 3 months later...

Hi, I have used Mimics. You don't need to train or anything, very easy to get up and running on it. It's very good at extracting 3D info from stacks, a DICOM viewer with the ability to interpolate your 2d info to 3D. If you've used ITK-snap it's similar but better (less buggy and more powerful). I don't know how much it costs but have heard mimics is expensive. They work deals with educational licensing and also have offered short term licenses to some people I've worked with. ITK Snap is free though!

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I haven't used ITK Snap. I'll look into it. I have used Osirix a bunch, but it needs to be combined with a mesh editing software package like Blender or MeshMixer. I am considering creating a video tutorial on how to do this. Is anybody interested in that?

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  • 5 months later...

As of RSNA, I believe Mimics was somewhere around 7Grand but I could be wrong.  I've played with ITK-Snap and do find it hit and miss. I really need to spend more time with it. There's also 3d Doctor which is almost $5000 http://www.ablesw.com/3d-doctor/price.html


There is also Bespoke modeling: $30 a month I believe. http://www.3dsystems.com/solutions/services/bespoke-modeling  It's run by 3dSystems.  I intend to give that a spin.


All the best!

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I went to the RSNA meeting this year and took the training course in Mimics that Frank Rybicki was giving. It is great software, but very expensive from what I hear from people who have purchased a license. I am working on developing methods of designing 3D printed anatomic models using freeware, and will be publishing a tutorial shortly. Stay tuned.


Dr. Mike

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 I missed Dr. Frank's tutorials at RSNA, but Materialise gave me a license to experiment with it on my own. :)

There are better and better free resources coming out every day, it seems.


Looking forward to the tutorials!!  Thanks for doing that! :)

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  • 1 year later...

I haven't used ITK Snap. I'll look into it. I have used Osirix a bunch, but it needs to be combined with a mesh editing software package like Blender or MeshMixer. I am considering creating a video tutorial on how to do this. Is anybody interested in that?


Hi, is there something like Mimics but freeware ? For blood vessel segmentation ? 

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Hi, is there something like Mimics but freeware ? For blood vessel segmentation ? 

Any of the segmentation programs will do this: ITK Snap, Invesalius, 3D-Slicer, etc.  The issue isn't so much which software will do the segmentation as much as it's the quality of the original dataset and the parameters used to obtain the original Dicoms.  Teasing out the vessels can sometimes be a pain depending upon the quality of the scans. 

Dr. Mike has made great blood vessel models and he uses free stuff :)


Have fun!! :)

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  • 5 weeks later...



There are a several tutorials on this website on using freeware instead of Mimics. In fact, this is a major reason why Embodi3D exists -- to enable people do to medical 3D printing without having to spend a fortune doing it.


Look on the top of any page on embodi3d.com. Click tutorials. Enjoy the free and open-source goodness! I recommend 3D Slicer or Osirix.


Dr. Mike

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