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  • How to Make 3D Printable Bone Files from CT Scans with the Imag3D Service


    You can easily and quickly create error-free 3D printable bone files from a medical CT scan using the free Imag3D service from Embodi3d. This tutorial shows you how.


    Other Imag3D tutorials:

    Complete tutorial: Using Imag3d (with video)

    Creating NRRD files for upload

    Processing multiple files (with video)

    Sharing, selling, organizing your models (with video)


    If you haven't already register for an account. It's quick and free. Click on the Get started link here or go to the marketplace and click "Submit a File"


    Step 1: After initiating the file submission process, make sure you select Image Processing.




    Step 2: Drag and drop your NRRD file to be processed.

    NRRD is a file format that allows the anonymous transfer of imaging studies. NRRD files contain no patient information and are thus a safe way to send image data without compromising patient privacy. Embodi3D does not accept files that contain patient information. To learn how to create an anonymized NRRD file from a CT scan, see the tutorial here.



    Step 3: Type a title and a short description of your file that you are submitting for processing.




    Step 4: Accept the Terms of Use.

    Remember, no patient identifiable information allowed! Then click Imag3D Processing to flag the NRRD file for processing.




    Step 5: Select processing parameters.

    Leave the Operation set to CT NRRD to Bone STL. Leave Threshold (in Hounsfield units) at the default of 150. Choose a file output quality. High provides better quality but takes longer to process. Click Save & Submit Files




    Step 6: Wait for file processing to complete.

    Processing can take from 4 to 20 minutes depending on the size and quality of the file and the load on the servers. Thumbnails of the processed file will be added a few minutes after file processing is complete. You will receive an email notifying you that your file is ready and providing a link to your file. If you prefer to find the file via the website, click on your profile to see a list of files that belong to you.




    Step 7: Find your completed, processed file.

    The processed file should have the same name as the source file with "- processed" added to the title. Click on the name to go to the download page.




    Step 8: View and Download your 3D printable STL file

    Your 3D printable STL file can now be downloaded. The file should be error free and free from mesh defects that can impair 3D printing. Click the Download this file button to download your new file!



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