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  • Introducing Premium Operations and Ultra Quality


    We are proud to introduce democratiz3D premium operations and ultra-quality levels. A Premium operation is advanced medical image processing for 3D printing medical models. Different tissues and anatomy require changes to democratiz3D which yield the best result. In the past we created operations for skin, muscle and bone. Now with premium operations we are taking this a step further and processing files for specific applications. Our first premium operation is dental CT processing. This is designed to be more accurate in situations where small details are important for proper align and fit.


    Premium operations are now available under the operations selection box. They are easily identified by the word “Premium” appended to the end of the operation name. For example, our premium dental premium operation is called “Dental NRRD to STL (Premium).”


    Quality is another parameter democratiz3D users adjust for model processing. We have offered three Quality levels (low, medium and high). Some members want a quickly processed model lacking some details, in this case low quality is a good option. Other members want a highly detailed model and are willing to wait longer for model processing and high quality is the best option for them. Now Ultra quality provides a highly detailed model for those members who require the best available quality. Ultra quality takes more time and uses advanced computing resources to deliver a very detailed file ready for 3D printing. Ultra quality applies to all operations, just like other quality levels.


    Free Services:

    Quality: Low, Medium, High

    Operations: NRRD to Bone STL, NRRD to Skin STL, NRRD to Muscle STL


    Premium Services:

    Quality: Ultra

    Operations: Dental CT to STL (Premium)


    How to Use Premium Services

    Premium operations and Ultra quality are premium services available to all members through three options.


    First, members can sign up for a premium subscription. Subscriptions are available on a monthly or annual basis, with annual subscriptions being offered at a discount. Upon successful payment a member becomes a premium member and can use premium services with no limitations.


    Second, members can choose to pay for each file that they want to process using premium services. This involves checking out through embodi3D.com store and paying for premium file processing for each file.


    Third, a member can choose to permanently share the processed STL file with other members. In this case a member doesn’t pay anything but instead shares the file with other embodi3D.com members.


    Premium File Types

    There are three types or states for a file processed with premium services; locked, permanently shared, paid private.


    Locked: A locked file is not available for download and must be unlocked by becoming a premium member, paying to unlock the file or permanently sharing the file.


    Permanently Shared: A permanently shared file is always shared with the community. It can’t be unshared. Even after becoming a premium member, permanently shared files remain shared.


    Paid Private: A paid private file is private to that member and not available to other members. Paying to unlock a file or processing files as a premium member results in a paid private file.

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