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Premium Subscription Copy

From $0.85/2 days
Premium Membership
Premium members have unlimited access to services on embodi3D.com, including all benefits that regular members enjoy and additionally premium settings on the democratiz3D® automated 3D model creation service. The settings are intended for the most demanding medical 3D printing and 3D modeling applications where maximum accuracy and extremely precise detail are needed. Premium members have access to the following benefits on democratiz3D:
CT NRRD to Dental STL operation – This operation is designed specifically to create highly detailed dental and craniofacial models where millimeter and sub-millimeter accuracy is necessary. CT NRRD to Bone STL Very Detailed operation – An extension of our Standard and Detailed bone conversion algorithms, Very Detailed provides an exquisite level of detail for bone models that require millimeters and sub-millimeter accuracy, such as craniofacial and spine applications. Ultra quality level – a quality level that can be applied to all democratiz3D conversion operations that generates a super high-resolution output 3D model with up to 3 million polygons. Intended only for the most demanding applications that require large model sizes with complex geometry and high detail.  

Image 1. Demonstration of operation and quality levels on a high-resolution dental model (Click to enlarge). Using the Standard Bone operation and High quality, a free operation, the teeth are clearly shown but the fine gaps between the teeth are not clearly visualized. Using the Standard Bone operation with the premium Ultra quality level, the fine details and gaps between the teeth become more apparent. Finally, using the specialized Dental operation with Ultra quality most clearly shows the fine gaps between the teeth, most obvious with the lower teeth. Additionally, irregular artifact around the molars is not present in the Dental operation model.

Image 2. Demonstration of operation and quality level bone and artery model (Click to enlarge). Using a high-resolution CT angiogram of the neck as a source, the vertebral artery goes through the C1 bone transverse foramen and then dives into the spinal canal over the C1 posterior arch (red square). Using the Detailed Bone algorithm on High quality (top left, Free), the separation between the vertebral artery and the adjacent C1 bone is not clearly seen. Increasing the quality level to Ultra and using the Standard Bone algorithm (top right, Premium), separation between the vertebral artery starts to become apparent. Using the Detailed Bone operation with Ultra quality (bottom left, Premium), the separation between these two structures becomes more apparent. Finally, using the premium Very Detailed Bone operation with the Ultra quality level (bottom right, Premium), the artery is clearly separated from the adjacent bone, and can be seen coursing through the transverse foramen and over the C1 arch.
Premium membership is available for a limited time at the introductory rate of $34.99 per month or $349.99 per year. Payment is made by credit card and managed by PayPal. Choose a monthly or annual subscription above and Add to Cart to get started.
Pay or Share Program: Getting Premium Services for Free
Embodi3D has always been dedicated to promoting medical 3D printing for free. While most of our website content and democratiz3D features remain available for free, we recognize that some people might want access to the new premium features but cannot afford a subscription. To make Premium features available to everybody, we have created the Pay or Share program.
As shown in figure 1 below, under the Pay or Share program, regular members who are not Premium subscribers can still create 3D models with democratiz3D using Premium features. Regular members can generate democratiz3D models using Premium features, but before downloading a Premium model the user can decide to either pay a one-time fee for use of the Premium service (Pay), or permanently share the file with the community and download the file for free (Share). Files will remain in locked status until the user has chosen one of the two options. Under this program, anybody can have access to Premium operations, irrespective of their ability to pay, as long as they share the file with the community. People who don't wish to share their files publicly or subscribe to Premium membership still have the option of paying a one-time fee for premium usage. Premium subscribers of course have unlimited access to premium democratiz3D features.

Figure 1. Graphic showing how the Pay or Share program works for regular members. Premium members get all premium features automatically.
Regular members can use Premium features on democratiz3D via the Pay or Share program as long as they either permanently share their model with the community, or pay a one-time per-model fee of $19.99. Payments are handled through Paypal.
Free Services
All services that were free on embodi3D.com prior to the release of new Premium features and the Pay or Share program remain free for regular members. This includes downloads, forums, tutorials, and standard democratiz3D features. This includes the Low, Medium, and High quality levels, as well as the CT NRRD to Bone STL, Detailed Bone STL, Muscle STL, and Skin STL. All of the features that were previously free remain so.
All services that were previously free on embodi3D are still free.


About Premium Subscription Copy

Premium Membership


Premium members have unlimited access to services on embodi3D.com, including all benefits that regular members enjoy and additionally premium settings on the democratiz3D® automated 3D model creation service. The settings are intended for the most demanding medical 3D printing and 3D modeling applications where maximum accuracy and extremely precise detail are needed. Premium members have access to the following benefits on democratiz3D:


  • CT NRRD to Dental STL operation – This operation is designed specifically to create highly detailed dental and craniofacial models where millimeter and sub-millimeter accuracy is necessary.
  • CT NRRD to Bone STL Very Detailed operation – An extension of our Standard and Detailed bone conversion algorithms, Very Detailed provides an exquisite level of detail for bone models that require millimeters and sub-millimeter accuracy, such as craniofacial and spine applications.
  • Ultra quality level – a quality level that can be applied to all democratiz3D conversion operations that generates a super high-resolution output 3D model with up to 3 million polygons. Intended only for the most demanding applications that require large model sizes with complex geometry and high detail.




Image 1. Demonstration of operation and quality levels on a high-resolution dental model (Click to enlarge). Using the Standard Bone operation and High quality, a free operation, the teeth are clearly shown but the fine gaps between the teeth are not clearly visualized. Using the Standard Bone operation with the premium Ultra quality level, the fine details and gaps between the teeth become more apparent. Finally, using the specialized Dental operation with Ultra quality most clearly shows the fine gaps between the teeth, most obvious with the lower teeth. Additionally, irregular artifact around the molars is not present in the Dental operation model.


manix vertebral composite.jpg

Image 2. Demonstration of operation and quality level bone and artery model (Click to enlarge). Using a high-resolution CT angiogram of the neck as a source, the vertebral artery goes through the C1 bone transverse foramen and then dives into the spinal canal over the C1 posterior arch (red square). Using the Detailed Bone algorithm on High quality (top left, Free), the separation between the vertebral artery and the adjacent C1 bone is not clearly seen. Increasing the quality level to Ultra and using the Standard Bone algorithm (top right, Premium), separation between the vertebral artery starts to become apparent. Using the Detailed Bone operation with Ultra quality (bottom left, Premium), the separation between these two structures becomes more apparent. Finally, using the premium Very Detailed Bone operation with the Ultra quality level (bottom right, Premium), the artery is clearly separated from the adjacent bone, and can be seen coursing through the transverse foramen and over the C1 arch.


Premium membership is available for a limited time at the introductory rate of $34.99 per month or $349.99 per year. Payment is made by credit card and managed by PayPal. Choose a monthly or annual subscription above and Add to Cart to get started.


Pay or Share Program: Getting Premium Services for Free


Embodi3D has always been dedicated to promoting medical 3D printing for free. While most of our website content and democratiz3D features remain available for free, we recognize that some people might want access to the new premium features but cannot afford a subscription. To make Premium features available to everybody, we have created the Pay or Share program.


As shown in figure 1 below, under the Pay or Share program, regular members who are not Premium subscribers can still create 3D models with democratiz3D using Premium features. Regular members can generate democratiz3D models using Premium features, but before downloading a Premium model the user can decide to either pay a one-time fee for use of the Premium service (Pay), or permanently share the file with the community and download the file for free (Share). Files will remain in locked status until the user has chosen one of the two options. Under this program, anybody can have access to Premium operations, irrespective of their ability to pay, as long as they share the file with the community. People who don't wish to share their files publicly or subscribe to Premium membership still have the option of paying a one-time fee for premium usage. Premium subscribers of course have unlimited access to premium democratiz3D features.


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Figure 1. Graphic showing how the Pay or Share program works for regular members. Premium members get all premium features automatically.


Regular members can use Premium features on democratiz3D via the Pay or Share program as long as they either permanently share their model with the community, or pay a one-time per-model fee of $19.99. Payments are handled through Paypal.


Free Services


All services that were free on embodi3D.com prior to the release of new Premium features and the Pay or Share program remain free for regular members. This includes downloads, forums, tutorials, and standard democratiz3D features. This includes the Low, Medium, and High quality levels, as well as the CT NRRD to Bone STL, Detailed Bone STL, Muscle STL, and Skin STL. All of the features that were previously free remain so.


All services that were previously free on embodi3D are still free.

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Manix Very Detailed comparison.jpg

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