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  • Dr. Mike

    A Ridiculously Easy Way to Convert CT Scans to 3D Printable Bone STL Models for Free in Minutes

    By Dr. Mike

    In this tutorial you will learn how to quickly and easily make 3D printable bone models from medical CT scans using the free online service Imag3D. The method described here requires no prior knowledge of medical imaging or 3D printing software. Creation of your first model can be completed in as little as 10 minutes.   You can download the files used in this tutorial by clicking on this link. You must have a free Embodi3D member account to do so. If you don't have an account, registra

Test Blog Article

Aenean interdum massa id mauris luctus molestie. Sed bibendum a mauris vel placerat. Quisque bibendum vel sem at luctus. Aliquam ornare purus at maximus maximus. Sed finibus, eros in rutrum lobortis, quam ante consectetur ante, non mattis justo est a odio. Vivamus tincidunt nibh eget augue egestas consectetur. Etiam elementum purus a elit lacinia, ac ultricies justo imperdiet.



Vascular Training Models

Vascular Training Models Venous Models: IVC Filter Deployment/Retrieval Model: VIVC01000M Iliac Vein Stenosis Extension Model: VIVC01E2SC Gonadal Vein Embolization Extension Model: VGON01000C Femoral Vein Extension Model: VFEM01000C Flexible SVC Extension Model: VSVC01000F Vascular Training Models Arterial Models:



Stand Alone Abdominal Aorta Model

Vascular Training Models Venous Models: IVC Filter Deployment/Retrieval Model: VIVC01000M Iliac Vein Stenosis Extension Model: VIVC01E2SC Gonadal Vein Embolization Extension Model: VGON01000C Femoral Vein Extension Model: VFEM01000C Flexible SVC Extension Model: VSVC01000F Vascular Training Models Arterial Models:



Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm EVAR Model

Vascular Training Models Venous Models: IVC Filter Deployment/Retrieval Model: VIVC01000M Iliac Vein Stenosis Extension Model: VIVC01E2SC Gonadal Vein Embolization Extension Model: VGON01000C Femoral Vein Extension Model: VFEM01000C Flexible SVC Extension Model: VSVC01000F Vascular Training Models Arterial Models:



Upper and Lower Leg Extension Model

Vascular Training Models Venous Models: IVC Filter Deployment/Retrieval Model: VIVC01000M Iliac Vein Stenosis Extension Model: VIVC01E2SC Gonadal Vein Embolization Extension Model: VGON01000C Femoral Vein Extension Model: VFEM01000C Flexible SVC Extension Model: VSVC01000F Vascular Training Models Arterial Models:



Extendable Abdominal Aorta Model

Vascular Training Models Venous Models: IVC Filter Deployment/Retrieval Model: VIVC01000M Iliac Vein Stenosis Extension Model: VIVC01E2SC Gonadal Vein Embolization Extension Model: VGON01000C Femoral Vein Extension Model: VFEM01000C Flexible SVC Extension Model: VSVC01000F Vascular Training Models Arterial Models:



Flexible SVC Extension Model

Vascular Training Models Venous Models: IVC Filter Deployment/Retrieval Model: VIVC01000M Iliac Vein Stenosis Extension Model: VIVC01E2SC Gonadal Vein Embolization Extension Model: VGON01000C Femoral Vein Extension Model: VFEM01000C Flexible SVC Extension Model: VSVC01000F Vascular Training Models Arterial Models:



Femoral Vein Extension Model

Vascular Training Models Venous Models: IVC Filter Deployment/Retrieval Model: VIVC01000M Iliac Vein Stenosis Extension Model: VIVC01E2SC Gonadal Vein Embolization Extension Model: VGON01000C Femoral Vein Extension Model: VFEM01000C Flexible SVC Extension Model: VSVC01000F Vascular Training Models Arterial Models:



Gonadal Vein Embolization Extension Model

Vascular Training Models Venous Models: IVC Filter Deployment/Retrieval Model: VIVC01000M Iliac Vein Stenosis Extension Model: VIVC01E2SC Gonadal Vein Embolization Extension Model: VGON01000C Femoral Vein Extension Model: VFEM01000C Flexible SVC Extension Model: VSVC01000F Vascular Training Models Arterial Models:



Iliac Vein Stenosis Extension Model

Vascular Training Models Venous Models: IVC Filter Deployment/Retrieval Model: VIVC01000M Iliac Vein Stenosis Extension Model: VIVC01E2SC Gonadal Vein Embolization Extension Model: VGON01000C Femoral Vein Extension Model: VFEM01000C Flexible SVC Extension Model: VSVC01000F Vascular Training Models Arterial Models:



IVC Filter Deployment and Retrieval Model

Vascular Training Models Venous Models: IVC Filter Deployment/Retrieval Model: VIVC01000M Iliac Vein Stenosis Extension Model: VIVC01E2SC Gonadal Vein Embolization Extension Model: VGON01000C Femoral Vein Extension Model: VFEM01000C Flexible SVC Extension Model: VSVC01000F Vascular Training Models Arterial Models:



3D Printed Batteries Are Edible with Many Medical Device Applications

Implantable medical devices help diagnose and treat serious health conditions ranging from anatomical abnormalities to cardiovascular illnesses and kidney diseases. Commonly used devices include implantable cardioverter defibrillators, pacemakers, intra-uterine devices, spine crews, hip implants, metal screws, and artificial knees. Recent years have seen a significant increase in the use of such implants, which has led to the creation of several innovative products with improved function. Batter



How to Share, Sell, Organize, and Reprocess Automatically Generated 3D Printable Medical STL Models on Embodi3D

In this tutorial we will discuss how to share, sell, organize, and reprocess 3D printable medical models you make using the free online Imag3D service from embodi3D. Imag3D is a powerful tool that automatically converts a medical CT scan into a 3D printable file in minutes with minimal user input. It is no longer necessary to master complicated desktop software and spend hours manually segmenting to create a 3D printable model. Learn how to make high quality medical 3D models with Imag3D by foll

Dr. Mike

Dr. Mike

How to Convert Multiple 3D Printable Bone Model STL Files from a CT Scan

In this tutorial you will learn how to create multiple 3D printable bone models simultaneously using the free online CT scan to bone STL converter, Imag3D. We will use the free desktop program Slicer to convert our CT scan in DICOM format to NRRD format. We will also make a small section of the CT scan into its own NRRD file to create a second stand-alone model. The NRRD files will then be uploaded to the free Imag3D online service to be converted into 3D printable STL models.   If you

Dr. Mike

Dr. Mike

The Benefits of Additive Manufacturing Applies to 3D Printed Pills and Medication

In August 2015, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the first three-dimensional (3D) printed drug for commercial use when it allowed Pennsylvania-based Aprecia Pharmaceuticals to manufacture and market its anti-epileptic pill Spritam. The company relied on additive printing technology to create a rapidly dissolving pill that could be consumed with very little water. One of the main goals was to benefit patients who are unable to swallow medications, especially during an epilepti



Three-Dimensional Printers Changing Hospitals for Good

The three-dimensional (3D) medical printing and bioprinting industry is evolving at a rapid pace as 3D printers continue to move beyond research labs into commercial manufacturing facilities and hospitals. The printers are being used to create anatomical models, customized implants and even body parts that help treat, manage and prevent complex illnesses and injuries. The technology has contributed to the success several challenging surgical interventions in the recent times.   Three-dim



A Ridiculously Easy Way to Convert CT Scans to 3D Printable Bone STL Models for Free in Minutes

In this tutorial you will learn how to quickly and easily make 3D printable bone models from medical CT scans using the free online service Imag3D. The method described here requires no prior knowledge of medical imaging or 3D printing software. Creation of your first model can be completed in as little as 10 minutes.   You can download the files used in this tutorial by clicking on this link. You must have a free Embodi3D member account to do so. If you don't have an account, registra

Dr. Mike

Dr. Mike

How 3D Printing is Changing Drug Discovery and Testing

Advances in science and technology are helping pharmaceutical companies and biotech giants to come up with novel molecules that may help treat serious and life-threatening conditions such as cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s disease. However, bringing a new drug to the market can get complex and exhaustive. While most companies pass through the initial stages of drug development with ease, they face a lot of challenges during pre-clinical and clinical trials. Recent numbers reveal that only



How BioBots is Shaping the Future of Medical 3D Printing and Bioprinting

The three-dimensional (3D) medical printing and bioprinting market has exploded in the last decade with the invention of several new printers that can print everything from anatomical models to living cells. Each new machine has contributed in its own way to the success of this industry. However, only a few of them have impacted the field of medicine the way BioBot 1 has done in the recent years. BioBots, a Philadelphia-based startup, hopes to use 3D printing technology to cure diseases, elimin



How to create an NRRD file from a DICOM Medical Imaging Data Set

NRRD is a file format for storing and visualizing medical image data. Its main benefit over DICOM, the standard file format for medical imaging, is that NRRD files are anonymized and contain no sensitive patient information. Furthermore NRRD files can store a medical scan in a single file, whereas DICOM data sets are usually comprised of a directory or directories that contain dozens if not hundreds of individual files. NRRD is thus a good file for transferring medical scan data while protecting

Dr. Mike

Dr. Mike

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