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  • Dr. Mike

    A Ridiculously Easy Way to Convert CT Scans to 3D Printable Bone STL Models for Free in Minutes

    By Dr. Mike

    In this tutorial you will learn how to quickly and easily make 3D printable bone models from medical CT scans using the free online service Imag3D. The method described here requires no prior knowledge of medical imaging or 3D printing software. Creation of your first model can be completed in as little as 10 minutes.   You can download the files used in this tutorial by clicking on this link. You must have a free Embodi3D member account to do so. If you don't have an account, registra

Researchers Develop 3D-Printing Technique to Make Realistic Ears

An otolaryngology resident and bioengeneering student at the University of Washington have teamed up to create a low-cost cartilage model for surgical practice using 3D printing. The innovation will allow surgeons to perfect the construction of realistic ears.   Surgeons approach the task of fixing a missing or underdeveloped ear by harvesting rib cartilage from the child and carving it into the shape of an ear. The rib cartilage is limited, and surgeons try to harvest as little as possible.



Researchers Made 3D Printed Braces For Scoliotic Patients

3D printing has become an indispensable tool in the medical industry. It has encompassed numerous applications from creating simple customized medical tools, surgical models, implants, to orthopedic casts.   This technology continues to expand as researchers develop many intriguing yet effective devices using a simple 3D printer. One such innovation introduced to the world recently was the 3D printed braces intended for patients with scoliosis.   3D Systems, the South Carolina-based comp

Paige Anne Carter

Paige Anne Carter

Creating a 3D Printable Skull from a CT Scan in 5 Minutes using Freeware.

UPDATED TUTORIAL: A Ridiculously Easily Way to Convert CT Scans to 3D Printable Bone STL Models for Free in Minutes   Hello and welcome back. I hope you enjoyed my last tutorial on creating 3D printable medical models using free software on Macintosh computers. In this brief video tutorial I'll show you how to create a 3D printable skull STL file from a CT scan in FIVE minutes using only free and open source software. In the video I use a program called 3D Slicer, which is available fr

Dr. Mike

Dr. Mike

Researchers Develop A Better Bio-Ink For 3D Printing

The 3D printing technology provides the medical industry with viable solutions for complicated medical procedures. Today, 3D printing is no longer used in creating prosthetics but also in synthetically creating natural-occurring cells and tissues.   Fabricating cells and tissues using 3D printing technology is a complex method. However, researchers were able to create breast cancer tissues and gland tissues to study disease progression and also drug testing. The key to the success of printing

Paige Anne Carter

Paige Anne Carter

MIT Researchers Use MRI Scans to 3D Print Heart Models in Hours

Researchers at MIT and Boston Children’s Hospital have created a method to use MRI scans and print physical models of an organ in only a few hours. While 3D printing organ models is not a new technology, the speed of the new method means that surgeons can use the models to plan delicate and time-sensitive surgeries.   The system involves a unique computer algorithm that increases the precision of MRI scans by 10. MIT researchers partnered with Boston Children’s Hospital physicist Medhi Moghari



3D Printing Creates Techniques To Regenerate Nerves

As 3D printing technology has gained traction in the medical field, researchers were able to use the said technology to develop groundbreaking techniques to regenerate nerves for both motor and sensory functions. Regenerating nerves is a complicated process thus people with injuries involving nerves suffer from permanent damage. With the new technique, scientists hope to help more than hundreds of thousands of patients suffering from nerve diseases.   To regenerate nerves using the 3D printin

Paige Anne Carter

Paige Anne Carter

Cancer Patient Receives World’s First 3D-Printed Rib Cage

A 54-year-old man from Spain was diagnosed with a chest wall sarcoma, a type of cancer where a tumor grows in or on the rib cage. He had no choice but to have a portion of his ribcage removed, including his sternum. In a world-first, the man has had the missing pieces successfully replaced with a 3D-printed prosthetic.   The man’s doctors could have gone a traditional route to create a prosthetic rib cage for him. But traditional implants were risky because they could become loose as time pass



Scientists Create 3D Printed Human Tissue for Cancer Research

Cancer research is very important in helping many people who are battling with cancer. However, the difficulty with cancer research is that it is challenging to test drugs while using live human tissues. A recent breakthrough done by the University of San Francisco had led to the development of a new technique called DNA Programmed Assembly of Cells.   Postdoctoral fellow Alex Hughes explained that the technique is all about creating biological equivalents of the LEGO bricks which can grow cel

Paige Anne Carter

Paige Anne Carter

New Software Creates Innovative 3D Printed Implants

3D printing has taken the medical industry by storm through the provision of various opportunities for innovation, thus improving the quality of implants. The 3D printing company, Autodesk, created the generative design software featuring 600 innovative implants from the micro-lattice porous structures to bioprinted blood vessels.   Senior director of design research, Mark Davis, said that the software uses different pore size configurations to help porous implant integrate properly with the i

Paige Anne Carter

Paige Anne Carter

3D Printer Creates Solar Powered Doctor’s Bag

3D printing is not only used in creating implants in the medical industry, but it is now also being used to develop interesting devices that can help doctors improve their practice. Recently, Harvard-educated physician and innovator Dr. Julielynn Wong created an innovative solar powered bag using 3D printing.   The purpose of her innovative bag is to help doctors assigned in underprivileged areas. She created 3D printed diagnostic devices used for testing malaria and water potability. She

Paige Anne Carter

Paige Anne Carter

Researchers Developed First Ever 3D Bioprinted Neural Tissues

Little is understood about the human brain and this is the reason why neuroscientists rely heavily on the in vitro brain tissue samples from animals to understand the human brain. However, it is important to take note that animal brain tissues are entirely different from ours and if we do drug testing on the former, the effects could be catastrophic for us. Unfortunately, the brain has more than 86 billion nerve cells thus leaving a large gray area for scientists.   Recently, researchers from

Paige Anne Carter

Paige Anne Carter

3D Biofabrication: Science Fiction Turns To Reality

Biofabrication – the combination of mechatronics and biology – is no longer featured in science fiction movies. Currently, the clinical landscape is now using biofabrication through 3D bioprinting to treat different medical conditions that are difficult to medicate using conventional medical procedures.   So what does biofabrication do? If you are sick and in need of a new body part, biofabrication can build it for you. A good example of the application of biofabrication is the cochlear implan

Paige Anne Carter

Paige Anne Carter

3D Printing In China To Treat Patient Requiring Double Knee Replacement

3D printing is an essential tool in the modern medical technology as it is used in multitude of applications. One testament of the efficacy of 3D printing technology was its use on a double knee replacement surgery in China.   Doctors from Handan, China used 3D printing technology to repair the legs of a young patient requiring double knee surgery. Suffering from the condition called genu varum deficiency, the patient is characterized having bow legs due to the inward angulation of the knee

Paige Anne Carter

Paige Anne Carter

3D Printed Microfish May Help Deliver Drugs and Remove Toxins

It still sounds like Science Fiction — the next development in 3D printed science is a micro robotic fish.   Medical researchers from the University of California, San Diego have just started testing a new 3D printed nanotechnology that could be used for drug delivery or even removal of toxins (such as bee venom) from the body.   Groundbreaking Research   Published in the August issue of the journal Advanced Materials, a team of researchers from the NanoEngineering Department led by Shaoc



3D Printing Technology Used By Surgeons To Create Models Of Pediatric Brains

There are many innovations in 3D printing technology in the medical world. Aside from being used in creating casts for orthopedic patients, it is also being used by pediatric neurosurgeons to create model body parts of their patients.   Surgeons from the Boston Children’s Hospital are now using 3D printing to create 3D models of anatomies of pediatric patients suffering from cerebrovascular malformations which is characterized by having abnormalities in the blood vessels found in the brain.  

Paige Anne Carter

Paige Anne Carter

FDA Gives Green Light To 3D Printed Pill

3D printing is used widely in additive manufacturing and medical technology. While it is used to create medical models, it is now used to create better pills. The US Food And Drug Administration recently approved the first ever 3D-printed pill that is used to treat patients suffering from epilepsy. The pill was created by an Ohio-based company called Aprecia Pharmaceuticals.   The pill, called Spritam, is made using the ZipDose technology which is a process that makes the pill porous thus it d

Paige Anne Carter

Paige Anne Carter

A Life Saving Prosthetic: The 3D Printed Beak

The ability to create affordable prosthetics for humans by 3D printing has been in the news since shortly after the it was invented. Now, more animals are benefitting from the technology. Most recently, several birds have successfully joined this growing club of animals with 3D printed prosthetics. But damaged beak most often means death since the birds can’t eat properly, making this 3D printed fix a life saving solution.   Grecia from Costa Rica   Take Grecia, a toucan from Costa Rica. H



DENTCA Creates First 3D Printed FDA-Approved Denture Base

3D printing has been utilized over the past months to create innovative medical devices and implants. Recently, the dental industry has also utilized 3D printing technology in order to create different teeth implants.   One of the companies that made important developments by using 3D printing technology is DENTCA. DENTCA produced the first-ever FDA-approved 3D-printed denture base. The material is made from light-cured resin ejected from a specialized 3D printer. The denture bases created us

Paige Anne Carter

Paige Anne Carter

How 3D Printing is Streamlining Forensic Research

When it’s time to present forensic evidence to a judge and jury, prosecutors have traditionally relied on photographs and other visual methods to display evidence. Today, forensic anthropologists are embracing a much more detailed visual aid—with a little help from 3D Printing.   3D Printing for Forensic Evidence   In the case of homicide, there’s no better way to clearly present evidence to a jury than by showing them the actual bones in question, but that’s not considered best practice for



New 3D Printed Cast Can Heal Broken Bones And So Much More

There are many applications of 3D printing in the medical industry. As a matter of fact, experts in 3D printing made innovations for the different applications of 3D printing. One such innovation is the new 3D printed cast that can heal broken bones and also double as a Bluetooth speaker.   This cast is called BoomCast which is embedded with electronics and sensors so that it can be used as a Bluetooth speaker. Moreover, the electronics also allow doctors to monitor the condition of their pati

Paige Anne Carter

Paige Anne Carter

Chinese Medical Researchers Perform The Fist Full 3D Skull Surgery

A full skull reconstruction surgery is very difficult to achieve using conventional surgical procedures. However researchers from the Second People’s Hospital of Hunan Province in China performed the first ever full skull reconstruction surgery using 3D printing technology.   The patient was a 3 year old girl suffering from a rare condition called congenital hydrocephalus which caused her head to grow four times its normal size. This condition can also cause problems with brain development.

Paige Anne Carter

Paige Anne Carter

3D Printed Brain Tissue Shows Promise in Fighting Brain Disorders

Researchers at the ARC Centre of Excellence for Electromaterials Sciences (ACES) at the University of Wollongong in Australia have developed a structure of neural cells using 3D printing that acts much like human brain tissue.   With around 86 billion nerve cells, the human brain is incredibly complex and multi-faceted. This is the main reason the brain is hardly understood compared to other organs in the body. But recent developments in 3D printing brain tissue could help scientists learn so



Laser Melting Creates 3D Printed Medical Implants

The 3D printing technology has seen a lot of innovations in the additive manufacturing industry as well as aerospace technology. Recently, the medical industry has taken advantage of 3D printing in creating medical implants.   In fact, scientists from Germany’s Laser Zentrum Hannover were able to develop a laser melting process to create implants made from nickel-titanium, platinum or stainless steel. The new technology developed was called selective laser micro-melting process. The project w

Paige Anne Carter

Paige Anne Carter

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