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  • Dr. Mike

    A Ridiculously Easy Way to Convert CT Scans to 3D Printable Bone STL Models for Free in Minutes

    By Dr. Mike

    In this tutorial you will learn how to quickly and easily make 3D printable bone models from medical CT scans using the free online service Imag3D. The method described here requires no prior knowledge of medical imaging or 3D printing software. Creation of your first model can be completed in as little as 10 minutes.   You can download the files used in this tutorial by clicking on this link. You must have a free Embodi3D member account to do so. If you don't have an account, registra

3D Printing Makes Medical Device For Complex Surgical Procedures

3D printing has made it possible for researchers to make innovations in the field of science and medicine. Currently, biomechanical engineer Filip Jelinek from the Austrian Center for Medical Innovation and Technology created prototypes for an innovative medical device that can help doctors remove cancerous tissues. The new medical device will be used to perform a minimally invasive procedure called keyhole operation. With this tool, patients will have faster recovery time and have a small post

Paige Anne Carter

Paige Anne Carter

Scientists Make Small 3D Printed Sensors For Cardiac Research

Testing of different medical treatments always involve experimentation in small laboratory animals. The challenge, however, is that testing drugs on animals require state-of-the-art telemetry systems that can help monitor biological processes in real time. This is especially true when monitoring cardiac functions among laboratory animals. Researchers from the University of Western Ontario were able to create wireless as well as implantable systems that can help monitor cardiac functions using

Paige Anne Carter

Paige Anne Carter

3D Printed Models Can Deliver And Track Efficacy Of Cancer Drugs

Biomedical 3D printing is used immensely in medical science. Recently, a team of cancer researchers from the Institute of Cancer Research in London were able to use 3D printing to create customized models of cancer cells of the human body. Led by Dr. Glenn Flux, they were able to create 3D printed models to help doctors fine-tune their dosing. Also called “phantoms”, the 3D printed replicas of organ and tumors are made by first creating a CT scan of the target organs of patients who will underg

Paige Anne Carter

Paige Anne Carter

Indian Surgeon Used 3D Printed Surgical Tool For Operation

Medical professional all over the world are now acknowledging the benefits of using 3D printers in the medical industry. For instance, one surgeon from India named Dr. Vaibhav Bagaria used 3D printing to reduce surgical risks and also allow his patients to save money for their treatment. Dr. Bagaria used 3D printing to help him perform surgery on a young patient with fractured acetabulum and pelvic ring. Conventional surgery puts the patient at risk because it involves huge blood loss. However,

Paige Anne Carter

Paige Anne Carter

Researchers Use 3D Printers To Create Bio-Inspired Materials

Science and technology still finds it difficult to mimic biological structures and systems. Biological structures and systems have the ability to adapt to their environment through reacting to different stimuli like humidity or the amount of sunlight. For instance, plant structures interact with the seasons based on the atmospheric input which leads them to change their structures in order to adapt to their current environment. Although difficult to mimic, researchers from the University of St

Paige Anne Carter

Paige Anne Carter

Fifth Graders Created 3D Printed Leg for Stumpy the Turtle

It seems that there is no end to the animals that will benefit from 3D printing and now the process has become so common place it is child’s play. Stumpy came to the Oatland Island Wildlife Center in Savannah, Georgia with a bad infection to his right front leg. In order to save the 12 year old box turtle veterinarian Lesley Mailer amputated the leg. Stumpy lived, but had a very hard time getting around without his front leg. Luckily for Stumpy, Lesley Mailer remembered her daughter mentioning



Medical Researchers Develop Synthetic DNA For Printing Nanoscale Structures Using 3D Bioprinters

Medical researchers have taken 3D bioprinting into another level as they have replicated DNA structures that can be used as “inks” in 3D designs to aid in the research of different yet new areas in medical diagnostics and the creation of nanomaterials. What is exciting about this development is that DNA can be programmed by changing the sequence of its amino acids, plus it is a stable structure. According to MIT associate professor and proponent of the study Mark Bathe, his team created comput

Paige Anne Carter

Paige Anne Carter

3D Medical Printing Helps Surgeons Conduct Face Transplants

Researchers from the Bringham and Women’s Hospital in Boston performed the first ever transplantation using 3D printing. The study was led by Dr. Frank J. Rybicki, Dr. Bohdan Pomahac and Dr. Amir Imanzadeh and they used 3D printed models of the recipient’s head to guide the planning of the transplantation surgery. Face transplantation is a complex surgical procedure and the success largely depends on surgical planning. Using models produced by 3D medical printers allows surgeons to hold the mo

Paige Anne Carter

Paige Anne Carter

3D Medical Printing Can Reduce The Risk Of Arthritis

3D medical printing is widely used in the medical industry. One of the revolutionary ways of using this technology is knee joint surgery. Doctors from the Columbia University’ Medical Center is currently working on a 3D printed knee joint or the meniscus using protein growth system and degradable plastic scaffold. The meniscus acts as protective lining that surrounds the knee that is highly at risk to wear and tear which leads to complications like arthritis. Patients who suffer from a torn men

Paige Anne Carter

Paige Anne Carter

3D Printed Molecules Make Medical Research Easier

For years computers have been able to create large models of molecules that allow scientists to get a closer look at the microscopic particles. However, this was limited by the fact that scientists only had a flat screen to examine and manipulate the molecule. But once again 3D printers have solved this research hurdle and made it easier for researchers to design more efficient drugs and medical treatments. Arthur Olson is a molecular biologist at the Molecular Graphics Laboratory at the Scripp



Cosmetic Company Working On Bioprinted Skin For Safer Cosmetic Testing

Conventional cosmetic testing is often done on animals. However, cosmetic testing on animals is very controversial thus a leading cosmetic company, L’Oreal invested on 3D bioprinted skin for safer cosmetic testing by partnering with a leading 3D bioprinting company. L’Oreal partnered with a 3D bioprinting company, Organovo, to create 3D bioprinted skin to test the toxicity of personal care products. The company has been developing the 3D printed skin since October this year. Organovo also annou

Paige Anne Carter

Paige Anne Carter

3D Medical Printing Presents A Smarter Way To Treat Cancer

3D medical printing has been used to revolutionize medicine. While it allows doctors to create models of organs as well as create artificial implants, some researchers are studying 3D printing and how it can be used to treat dreaded diseases like cancer. A group of British researchers from the Institute of Cancer Research in London aims to use 3D bioprinting to treat cancer in a smart way. The head radioisotope physicist from the institute noted that 3D medical printing can be used to treat can

Paige Anne Carter

Paige Anne Carter

3D Print your Medical Scan - Make Magazine

This excellent article, written in layman's terms, recently appeared in Make Magazine: "3D printing is all around us, opening possibilities for us to do in our garages what traditionally could only be done by large organizations. It’s now possible to 3D-print a model of your own bones, innards, and other anatomical structures starting from a CT scan 3D image, and using only open source software tools. We show you how to do it using a couple of common desktop 3D printers ..."



FDA Approves Custom Facial Implants

The world of 3D printing is moving at an incredible pace and that is truly evident in the medical industry. Oxford Performance Materials has not gained FDA approval for their custom 3D printed facial implants. Oxford Performance Materials' OsteoFab Patient-Specific Facial Device is designed to function just like real bone which isn’t all that revolutionary. What is the exciting part is that it can be custom tailed to the anatomy of any patient. This means that when a patient needs facial reconst



3D printing Makes Life Changing Surgeries Possible

3D medical printing holds a very big potential in the field of medical science. The capacity of 3D medical printing to create customized implants, as well as medical devices, is catered specifically to a patient’s anatomy. To date, 3D printing has already been used to revolutionize many surgical procedures. One of the most revolutionary way 3D printing was used to replace a cancer patient’s upper jaw. Specialists scanned the patient’s face to create a 3D reconstruction of their face. This was u

Paige Anne Carter

Paige Anne Carter

3D Printed Prosthetics for Derby

Derby is a happy, energetic dog that just wants to spend days running around and playing. For a typical dog that is not a problem, but Derby has two very deformed front legs. His original owners surrounded him to an animal shelter because they did not know how to care for him. It was through Peace and Paws Dog Rescue that Derby’s story got a happy ending. Tam Anderson saw Derby and knew that she had to foster him. Initially she tried buying the energetic dog a cart to help him get around but it



Bioprinting Can Make It Possible To Create Humans With Superhuman Abilities

In the future, some scientists believe that technologies like 3D bioprinting can help create organs with superhuman abilities. One of the people who speculate this kind of future of bioprinting is Agatha Haines. Today, there are many research facilities and companies all over the world who are working on ways to print organs and design organs to function more efficiently. Currently, the company Organovo was successful in developing 3D printed livers for implants. With this, Haines focused he

Paige Anne Carter

Paige Anne Carter

3D Printing allows for Regeneration of the Meniscus in Sheep

Millions of American suffer from damaged menisci (the protective lining of the knee) and this can lead to debilitating arthritis. There are few solutions for a damaged meniscus. Small tears can be sewn but larger tears can only be solved by removal of the meniscus (which reduces pain in the patient) but this leaves the knee without its natural shock absorber between the femur and tibia. Without the meniscus the knee is prone to very bad arthritis. There have been attempts to replace the meniscus



Scientists Use 3D Printing To Print Live Brain Tissues To Help Treat Brain Disorders In The Future

Researchers from the ARC Center for Excellence for Electromaterials Science (ACES) of St. Vincent’s Hospital and University of Wollongong in Melbourne, Australia are using 3D printers to study the human brain. The researchers are using a 3d printer to print living brain tissues using stem cells. Professor Jeremy Crook from ACES is working with living brain cells printed in a bioprinter to study conditions like epilepsy and schizophrenia. With the 3D bioprinting technology, they also aim to

Paige Anne Carter

Paige Anne Carter

Veterinarians can Regrow Jawbones with the Help of 3D Printing

Veterinarians at UC Davis have become known for their cutting edge approaches to caring for animals. One of these approaches involves regrowing the jaws of dogs who were affected by cancer. Removing the cancerous tumors from the jawbone often involves removing large portions of the jaw as well. In the past this surgery would involve opening up the dog after they had recovered from the cancer in order to see how to build a titanium plate. Now with 3D printing, veterinarians can have the entire t



3D Printing Aided Spinal Surgeries In The United States

Medacta USA announced that two US surgeons have completed the first ever spinal reconstruction using 3D printing. Spinal surgery got a boost from 3D medical printing thus giving hopes to many patients suffering from spinal diseases. Dr. Samuel S. Jorgenson and Dr. Richard Manos from the Spine Institute of Idaho were the first surgeons to use the technology dubbed as the MySpine Patient Matched Technology. The spinal cord is an important part of the central nervous system next to the brain. It

Paige Anne Carter

Paige Anne Carter

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