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  • Dr. Mike

    A Ridiculously Easy Way to Convert CT Scans to 3D Printable Bone STL Models for Free in Minutes

    By Dr. Mike

    In this tutorial you will learn how to quickly and easily make 3D printable bone models from medical CT scans using the free online service Imag3D. The method described here requires no prior knowledge of medical imaging or 3D printing software. Creation of your first model can be completed in as little as 10 minutes.   You can download the files used in this tutorial by clicking on this link. You must have a free Embodi3D member account to do so. If you don't have an account, registra

Bioprinted Beating Heart Cells are the Latest Step in Complex Tissue Engineering

The prospect of 3D printed human organs has been an exciting topic in the biomedical community for some time now. Although researchers haven’t yet managed to print and implant anything yet, they are making significant strides in tissue engineering that could one day lead to the printing of fully-functional organs for use by people. A prime example of this is the pioneering work of Dr. Anthony Atala of the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine. Popular Mechanics recently announced that



Cosmetic Company Pioneers In 3D Printed Human Skin For Tissue Research

The skin is the largest organ of the body and many researchers show interest on this particular organ as it serves as the body’s first line of defense against pathogens. The skin is made up of tissues that have a semi-permeable capacity. This means that it only allows certain substances in and keeps others out. The skin is considered as the most durable organ of the body that can withstand different types of elements. Cosmetic company L’ Oreal has teamed up with 3D printing company Organovo to

Paige Anne Carter

Paige Anne Carter

The Use Of 3D Printing In Surgical Planning

In the field where innovation can help save lives, 3D medical printing is a very promising technology that can empower healthcare providers and medical researchers. The use of 3D printing technology has been around since 1980, but has only recently been used in the field of medical science. There are many established applications of 3D medical printing. It is commonly used to manufacture hearing aids. In fact, there are more than 10 million 3D printed hearing aids that have been produced and di

Paige Anne Carter

Paige Anne Carter

3D Printer Customized Chemistry

Synthesizing smaller molecules to explore different compounds in the field of medicine and technology, as a whole, can offer immense potential. However, the problem of synthesizing molecules is that it is a time consuming process and not all researchers have access to molecule-synthesizing tools. Recently, researchers from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute have simplified a way to manufacture small molecules from a common set of building blocks using specialized 3D printers for small molecule

Paige Anne Carter

Paige Anne Carter

NIH’s Public Exchange Encourages Sharing of Biomedical 3D Printing Knowledge

For doctors and scientists interested in sharing their 3D modeled research or building on the work of others, the National Institutes of Health’s 3D Print Exchange is the place to go. Since its launch in June of last year, the Exchange has help encourage collaboration in scientific discoveries and promoted STEM Education with the simple tool of information availability. Information at Everyone’s Fingertips The government-sponsored site contains models useful for scientists and doctors alike,



3D Printing Technology Helps Disabled Dogs Back On Their Feet

3D printers are not only helpful in fixing anything broken in human patients but also on pets. Leading 3D printing company 3D Systems have developed a technology that can help disabled dogs get back on their feet. The technology, dubbed as 3D printed metal orthopedic knee implants, is able to fabricate titanium implants for dogs to help veterinarians treat canine patients suffering from disability. With this technology, disabled dogs are able to walk and run freely again within as little as six

Paige Anne Carter

Paige Anne Carter

3D Printed Models To Help Repair Orbital Rim Fractures

Orbital rim fractures refer to the injury around the outer edges of the eye socket. Such injuries are obtained by extreme force like in car accidents. This injury can lead to serious repercussions to the vision, blurry and double vision among many others is examples of which. Small orbital rim fractures are treated with ice packs and antibiotics but these treatments no longer work for larger and more complicated fractures. Ophthalmologists need to resort to surgical procedures to treat patients

Paige Anne Carter

Paige Anne Carter

3D Printed Guides May Help Improve the Repair of Damaged Nerves

Researchers at Sheffield’s Faculty of Engineering recently published a paper that points to a new way to use 3D printing technology to help repair damaged nerves. The breakthrough research is excellent news for people who suffer from nerve damage because of the complications and limitations of current methods. Difficulties of Traditional Methods Repairing nerve damage often requires surgical autographs to build a bridge between damaged nerves. Autographs are often difficult to come by, while



3D Printed Bone Tested Successfully In China

The future of regenerative medicine lies on the advancements of technologies such as 3D printing. Recently, 3D medical printing has led to the reproduction of cartilages, bones as well as other soft tissues. One of the leading countries when it comes to 3D medical printing is China. Scientists from the Xi’an Particle Cloud Advanced Materials Technology Co., Ltd. have successfully developed patented 3D printing process to create the biodegradable artificial bone structures. To create the bone s

Paige Anne Carter

Paige Anne Carter

The basics of printing a 3D model: From XY to Z

Purpose of this blog: To create a forum where members of the 3D medical printing community can share problems, solutions and practical advice pertaining to all aspects of the 3D printing pipeline. Featured problem: Setting up a new printer Featured printer: Printrbot Metal Plus Printing type: Fused deposition modeling Theme: Don’t put the cart in front of the horse Translation: don’t try to print before you’ve set up the printer If you are at all like me, you are im



Bioprinted Human Cells Sustained By 3D Printed Algae

3D bioprinting has changed the field of medicine. Recently, 3D printing companies are successful in printing living human tissues; but one company that stands out, is using 3D printed algae to sustain bioprinted human cells. Researchers from the Technische Universitat Dresden in Germany together with the Center for Translational Bone, Joint and Soft Tissue Research were able to create 3D printed algae to sustain their bioprinted human cells. The 3D printed algae are filled with hydrogel scaffo

Paige Anne Carter

Paige Anne Carter

3D Systems Feature New Novel Orthopeadic Training Methods

3D Systems, A company that specializes in 3D printing, announced new training modules to help doctors and medical students treat different maladies. The company is expanding the digital surgical tools to include accurate 3D anatomical models of different organs of the body, virtual reality simulators, 3D printed surgical guides and direct metal printing for orthopedic surgery. The company develops different groundbreaking 3D printed technology to help doctors train as well as plan complex med

Paige Anne Carter

Paige Anne Carter

MHOX Expects to Develop 3D Printed Eye by 2027 to Cure Blindness, and More

MHOX, a generative design studio focused on exploring new options in human body extensions and systems, has recently announced its plans to develop a fully functional 3D printed eye that could replace the faulty organ for blind people as soon as 2027. Originally a confidential project, MHOX chose to disclose some details about their progress and plans after Will.i.am made controversial comments warning people about the potential for scientists to eventually 3D print entire humans. According to



3D Printed Nose Can Be Safely Tested On Sheep

3D printing has gone a long way from being utilized in creating medical models to creating real organs. Researchers from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, Switzerland were able to create noses using a 3D bioprinter. The method of 3D bioprinting nose implants was developed by a team of researchers led by Marcy Zenobi-Wong and Matti Kesti. The 3D bioprinted noses can be used as implants on people who are suffering from nose anomalies due to genetic problems or because of injur

Paige Anne Carter

Paige Anne Carter

Japanese Company Creates Realistic 3D Printed Models To Aid Surgical Training

The 3D printing technology has proven its benefits to the field of medicine. Recently, researchers from the Japanese company Fasotec created realistic 3D printed models of lungs based on the patented technology called Biotexture Wet Models. This particular technology allows surgeons as well as medical students to practice surgical training on almost realistic lungs that do not only have textures similar to real lungs but also comes complete with blood vessels. The reason for the development of

Paige Anne Carter

Paige Anne Carter

Revolutionary new printer can print 25-100x faster

An entirely new 3D printing method that prints 25-100x faster than currently available technologies has been introduced. The new process called Continuous Liquid Interface Production Technology (CLIP) works by using light and oxygen to change a photosensitive liquid resin into a three dimensional solid object. The process is similar to Stereolithography (SLA) where liquid photopolymers are cured using ultraviolet light. However instead of depositing material layer by layer, the object is formed

Dr Tatiana

Dr Tatiana

3D Printed Human Engineering May Be Possible In The Future

Human engineering may no longer be a topic mostly discussed in science fiction books and movies. With the availability of 3D printer, this may well happen sooner than you may think. Recently, a Japanese firm, Cyfuse Biomedical, developed a way to produce human tissues and combine it with robotic technology. The company developed a robot-controlled 3D printer dubbed as Regenova which has the ability to make living cells aggregate to form artificial human tissues. The company is very excited to

Paige Anne Carter

Paige Anne Carter

Animals Get Medical Benefits from 3D Printing Too

Most of the articles you find about 3D medical printing features the benefits of the technology for people who can’t afford expensive prosthetics, especially for children. But 3D printing technology turns out to be just as much of a lucky break for our four-legged friends. Here are a few of the high publicity examples of animals benefitting from 3D printing, but there are many, many more. Derby the Dog A viral example is Derby, a husky born without fully formed front legs. His foster family go



A New All-In-One Medical Printer Produced By 3D Systems

3D Systems, a company involved in producing innovative medical technologies has developed an all-in-one 3D printer. The new 3D printer is called ProJet 3510 DPPro. This printer is designed for both medical and dental lab applications thus it can be used to create medical and dental models. The best thing about this 3D printer is that it comes with customization qualities that allow users speedy production of models and guides for biocompatible plastic materials. Another feature of this all-in-o

Paige Anne Carter

Paige Anne Carter

3D Bioprinting Can Help End Donor Organ Shortage

3D bioprinting is an emerging technology in the field of medical science. Aside from creating 3D replica of the organs of the body, 3D printing can also be used to help end donor organ shortage. Researchers are now working on using 3D printing to fabricate different organs like the heart, kidneys and other important human organs. Researchers from the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine led by Dr. Anthony Atala are now working on 3D bioprinting to end donor organ shortage. The goal

Paige Anne Carter

Paige Anne Carter

Conjoined Twins Separation Surgery Made Possible with 3D Modeling

For the first time ever, 3D modeling has aided doctors in the successful separation of conjoined twins. Sisters Knatalye Hope and Adeline Faith were born last April to John and Elysse Mata. The girls, now ten months old, shared a chest wall, lungs, heart linings, diaphragm, liver, intestines, colon, and pelvis, all of which needed to be carefully separated by doctors. Even before the surgery the babies were already a miracle—of the roughly 200,000 conjoined twins born every year, between 40 and



Which 3D printer should you get?

If you are like me and have no real background in engineering or chemistry, keeping the different 3D printing technologies straight may sound daunting. In this post, I will attempt to give a simplified overview of the seven major types of 3D printing technologies and summarize the key advantages and disadvantages for each. I hope this information helps anyone who is interested in acquiring a 3D printer understand the different processes better and direct you to a specific technology that suits y

Dr Tatiana

Dr Tatiana

3D Printing Used To Treat Newborn Patient Suffering From Cloverleaf Skull Syndrome

3D printing has tremendous benefits in society. Recently, doctors from Brazil used 3D printing to treat patients suffering from disorders that are thought to be inoperable. One of the disorders that are inoperable is the Kleeblattschadel syndrome which is also called the Cloverleaf skull syndrome. It is a neuro-craniofacial disorder characterized by the abnormal soldering of the skull bones. As a consequence, patients suffering from this condition have extremely poor physical and mental health.

Paige Anne Carter

Paige Anne Carter

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